
Are you CHOOSING to be an overwhelmed entrepreneur? - #098


Today I want to talk about how you might be choosing overwhelm & stress.

...And that might be very triggering.

Or it could be empowering.

I think if someone had told me last year that I might be choosing overwhelm, I would've said "I'm NOT choosing overwhelm! Are you crazy? YOU don't have a boat to renovate and YOU don't struggle with a chronic illness like I do. You don't understand."

And that would've been OK. I have compassion for anyone feeling overwhelmed, that kind of response is normal and valid. 

Every entrepreneur has overwhelming things in their personal lives in one shape or another, some more than others.

And that's why I created this episode.

Because in a world where there is a lot of overwhelming stuff in peoples lives in one shape or another, we don't need our businesses adding to that overwhelm.

A lot of the stressful things in our personal lives might be out of our control and that can feel really disempowering, right? It does for me. And when things feel out of our control, sometimes we need to find healthy things we CAN control, things we CAN do or choose to help us feel more stable.

Business can be one of those things.

Sometimes I've seen myself and my clients/students getting so used to overwhelming personal life circumstances being OUT of their control, that they default to believing their biz is out of their control too.

Yes, in biz some things are out of our control (like the algorithm, inflation, and peoples buying behaviours.) But there is so much we CAN control. So much we can CHOOSE to do (or not do) that will help us limit the overwhelm we feel. And that can bring you more of a sense of power & empowerment. That's the goal of this episode. To help you see through your business that you have more power over how you feel than you think. Even if you don't have power or control over some things in your personal world.

In this ep we'll discuss:

- 4 choices you're making that cause business overwhelm

- How to stop disempowering yourself and take some control of your business and how it makes you feel

- Why I fell out of love with Instagram and what I did to fall in love with it again

- Much more! It's such a juicy episode.


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Resources Mentioned

Sign up for my free weekly emails to learn how to build a life-first business that makes a full-time income online without you working full-time hours or burning out

1:1 coaching in my 3-month program, Momentum

Online Course: Simple Sales School

Online Course: Organize & Automate

Follow me @neshawoolery on Instagram

About Nesha

Hey there! I’m Nesha, 10-year traveling entrepreneur and host of The Simple Business Show. I teach freedom seekers how to make a full-time income online without working full-time hours, so they have the time, location and financial freedom to live the lifestyle they dream of.

Looking for more ways I can help you? Here they are:

1:1 Coaching: Work with me on an intimate level to take your business from where it is to where you want it to go. Availability: April 2023.

Organize & Automate - Join 1200+ students and learn how to organize your entire online service-based business in just two weeks (on the side of your regular routine!) so you can stop stressing and fall back in love with your business.

Simple Sales School - Learn how to get a consistent flow of clients so you can build the income & financial freedom you desire.

Subscribe & Leave A Review! 

If you enjoyed this episode, you can show your support by leaving a review, subscribing, or sharing your biggest takeaways on your Instagram story! Just remember to tag me @neshawoolery so I can see it.

Here’s how to subscribe and review the show:

Subscribe on your favourite podcast platform: iTunes, Google or Spotify.

To leave a review on Spotify: Open my podcast and click the “rating” button under my podcast name.

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Overwhelm Vs Stress - Why The Difference Matters


Are you overwhelmed? Or are you stressed?

Did you know there's a difference?

A little stress can be healthy for us. It can be a good motivator. But overwhelm "makes us incapable of taking action", as Brene Brown says. "We're so consumed by the pressures on us that we can't do anything about it. Overwhelm means an extreme level of stress and emotional or cognitive intensity to the point of feeling unable to function."

How have you been feeling lately?

Have you felt energized and productive?

A bit stressed but getting on with it?

Or do you feel like you're almost incapable of working?

  • Feeling perpetually tired and unmotivated.

  • Consistently procrastinating beyond normal reason.

  • One look at your todo list and you find yourself going into Avoidance Mode and just watching the telly.

Can you relate?

If you're feeling stressed or overwhelmed then I wrote today's brand new podcast episode with you in mind. It follows on from last week's episode about 1 simple way to feel less overwhelmed in your business.

In this week's ep, you'll learn...

  • The difference between overwhelm and stress.

  • 6 ways to turn down your stress or overwhelm.

  • What The 90 Second Emotion is and how it help set you free from being chained to feelings of stress or overwhelm.

  • The importance of movement, permission, and seasonal thinking when trying to recover from (or prevent) overwhelm.

Click “play” on the podcast player below to tune in!

Subscribe on iTunes, Google or Spotify.


"When we're stressed we feel a lot of outside, or even internal, pressure. But we can handle it. We know what actions to take to fix it. We can logistically and emotionally take on these actions even if we're concerned about how much time and effort they'll take. Overwhelm on the other hand means we're incapable of taking action. We're so consumed by the pressures on us that we can't do anything about it. Overwhelm means an extreme level of stress and emotional or cognitive intensity to the point of feeling unable to function." - Brene Brown

When I heard that quote, I knew I wanted to bring it to the podcast. Because there's a lot in there that can be helpful to us as business owners.

First, that stress is hard but it's something we can handle.

In fact, stress can sometimes be good for us. I'd go as far as saying it can sometimes act as a motivator for us to get things done. Ever had bills looming over you that kicked your butt into action and pushed you to do the work to find new clients or launch something new? Yet, when no pressure is on, you find it harder to motivate yourself to look for clients or market yourself? Sometimes a little stress can daresay be a good driver for us. And can even show us how capable and resilient we are.

Yet overwhelm, as Brene said, means we're ‘incapable of taking action.’ It's an ‘extreme level of stress. An emotional and cognitive intensity that makes us unable to function.’ And I don't need to explain to you how damaging that can for your income.

So today, I want to give you a few things you can do when you're stressed or overwhelmed, to help you shift into a state where you can work again with more ease and peace of mind.

(Although I’d like to add: if you’re overwhelmed to the point of feeling unable to work, you likely need more help than these tips. I’d recommend working with a therapist if you feel it’s a mental health struggle, or working with a business coach if you feel that’s what you need. If you’d like to work with me, you can sign up to my coaching waitlist here. I’m opening up 1:1 and group coaching very soon!)

How to prevent or lessen your stress/overwhelm

  1. Take a break.

    Listen to ep 72 on the importance of taking a break even when you feel like you're too busy to do so.

    Over the years I've learned that it's those times when I MUST take the break. Because carrying on leads to poor work and burnout. But a break reenergizes us and gives us new ideas and motivation so that when we get back to the desk, we produce incredible work and do it while feeling good, not feeling crappy There have been times over the 10 years of my business when I've felt so overwhelmed I’ve cried, but then had a break and a walk and literally wrote 10 podcast eps that same afternoon. Overwhelm is a feeling and it can be released. Feelings don't stick around forever. And by taking a break, you're helping the feeling move on faster.

  2. Feel the feeling - don't just push it down. When we do, those feelings come out sideways. Through sickness, or burnout, or just chronically feeling unhappy in our business. The sooner you allow yourself to feel it, the sooner it releases.

    How do you feel it?

    I like to sit still and just get in touch with the feeling in my body. Where do I feel it's residing in my body? Then name the emotion. I tell myself it's okay to feel this way, it's human.

    Psychologist Alyson Stone says “Feelings are like ocean waves,” says , “they rise, crest and recede, all day long.” And brain scientist Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor says, "emotions last just 90 seconds. After that, we're simply re-stimulating our internal circuitry."

    Know what that means? It means that after 90 seconds, if we still feel a feeling... it's partly because we're choosing to. And there's so much power in understanding that. Because that means if we just really let ourselves feel a certain emotion that's coming up, it'll pass so much sooner than if we avoid or ignore it. And that includes feelings of overwhelm and stress.

    Move your body. Go for a walk, or dance, do jumping jacks. Movement can shift our mood, which brightens our mindset and allows us to work from a more positive place. Or at least puts us in the place to have the mental capacity to tackle our issue of why we're so stressed and overwhelmed and how we can overcome it.

  3. Break your project down into tiny little pieces. Focus on small piece by piece instead of the big picture. After a while, you’ll notice the pieces add up to something huge.

  4. Give yourself permission to stop doing things or change things to better suit your wellbeing. For example, if you don't have the mental capacity to make reels showing your face then make reels where it's just text overlayed on a video of the ocean or of your morning walk. If  you don't have the mental capacity to design full websites right now, create a mini offer where you sell sales pages done in a day. Give yourself permission to stop things or make things easier for yourself. Even if it’s just temporary.

  5. Adjust your business according to the season you're in. Certain seasons of life are more hectic than others, that's how it is for even the calmest of people.

    If you've had a baby, that's going to be a crazy season. If you're moving house, or planning a wedding, or you're struggling with a health issue, those are all difficult seasons that take a toll on your time. So in your business, it's okay to shift things around that season to make life easier for yourself.

    I've given myself permission in this season to focus on selling coaching more than courses because although it sounds counterintuitive, it's easier to sell because you can sell less of them at a higher price. It means I don't have to create as much content. And it means I get to talk about topics here on the podcast other than just the topics of my courses.

If you are feeling overwhelmed or stressed by your businesses and processes or lack thereof then I invite you to check out my free class, 10 Steps To Go From Overwhelmed To Organized.

Ways I Can Help You

I help freedom seekers make a full-time income online without working full-time hours through coaching. Sign up to hear more about it soon.

I also have two courses designed to help you organize your business + book clients consistently. Learn more.

About Nesha

Hey there! I’m Nesha, 10-year traveling entrepreneur and host of The Simple Business Show. I teach freedom seekers how to make a full-time income online without working full-time hours, so they have the time, location and financial freedom to live the lifestyle they dream of.

Looking for more ways I can help you? Here they are:

Organize & Automate - Join 1200+ students and learn how to organize your entire online service-based business in just two weeks (on the side of your regular routine!) so you can stop stressing and fall back in love with your business.

Simple Sales School - Learn how to get a consistent flow of clients so you can build the income & financial freedom you desire.

Coaching - Sign up to my waitlist to be the first to hear when coaching spots are available.

Subscribe & Leave A Review! 

If you enjoyed this episode, you can show your support by leaving a review, subscribing, or sharing your biggest takeaways on your Instagram story! Just remember to tag me @neshawoolery so I can see it.

Here’s how to subscribe and review the show:

Subscribe on your favourite podcast platform: iTunes, Google or Spotify.

To leave a review on Spotify: Open my podcast and click the “rating” button under my podcast name.

To leave a review on Apple Podcasts: Open my podcast, scroll to the bottom of the page and you’ll find the rating/review button.

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Top Time-Saving Tips for Busy Entrepreneurs With Roger Coles

Top Time-Saving Tips for Busy Entrepreneurs With Roger Coles

Does your todo list feel neverending? Like you work at it day after day and it somehow just keeps getting longer?!

Do you feel like you don’t have enough hours in the day to finish everything?

Or maaaybe you’ve reached that point where you are so busy, you snap at anyone that interrupts your day. (Like: “NO, I canNOT go to buy more MILK, Dan. I’m doing REAL work here!!”)

Know where I’m coming from?

Around my corner of the internet, we don’t glorify “busy.” We (and by “we” I mean myself and my community) value inner calm, freedom and efficiency.

That’s why this week, I have a Roger Coles on the podcast to share 5 time-saving tips for busy entrepreneurs.

How Jade Works with 8 Clients at Once (With Ease!)

How Jade Works with 8 Clients at Once (With Ease!)

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How to Recognize & Avoid Business Burnout

How to Recognize & Avoid Business Burnout

Burnout is a big problem in the online business world.

I've been through it. I've seen a LOT of my friends go through it. I've even seen a lot of million dollar online business owners go through it, where they've had so much work and they’ve worked so hard that they are verbally told by a doctor that they cannot work at all anymore. Some have even had to take an entire year off because their burnout has been so serious.

Let’s be real here - you can’t afford to take an ENTIRE YEAR off.

Yet a lot of solopreneurs are heading in that direction.


Because they don't really realize that they are burned out. It’s one of those things you don’t give much attention to until it’s suddenly happening to you.